January 01, 2016

2016 / 33

2015 was the first year since moving to Toronto that was predominantly pleasant without great upheaval. In 2015 I found a comfortable voice 2015 - friends referred me into job that was mature in tone, not startup. eCommerce aims for consumer happiness prev. analytics life didn’t.

In 2015 I finished a very basic roguelike and a very basic single-page web-app, on my terms (language, stack, concepts). In 2015, after half-decade of people avoidance, I accidentally found myself moderating inclusive intersectional communities, engaging folks. In 2015 I guess I become comfortable with not wanting success, stature, legacy, etc… I want to learn cool shit, make cool shit, & be nice. So in 2016, what would I like? 1) Apply the leadership I found in modding communities to profession, w/ clarified mandate of civil service. 2) In 2016, I’d like to reliably/consistently use my voice in larger prose via weblog, now that I feel comfortable with my 140-character one 3) In 2016, I’d like to continue not caring around why I do what I do, as long as what I do is fun and good and kind. 4) In 2016, I’d like to up my soft dev game; more theory, a Knuth/Graham/Yegge tool discipline while reframing soft dev away from meanness. 5) In 2016 I’d like to become intimate with Emacs; intimate with my shell; intimate with my chosen and imposed software build tools. 6) In 2016 I’d like to manage a project flow alternating b/w tick cycles of production/creativity and tock cycles of learning/refinement.

In short: In 2016 I want to become equivalent to the old cool person who knits their craft for love, having survived the need for success

And to end with a soundtrack for my outlook for 2016 with appropriate gravity & levity (& brevity), here’s some Momus