January 30, 2016

Ramens I Have Known and Loved - Green Tea Chlorella noodles


In October 2014 I got laid off from a stressful without warning, and decided to plan for three months of hobby projects and only start looking for work in January. I decided to stretch out my savings by eating only Ramen.

Since food bores me easily, I went to the local “asian food superstore” and bougt as many different brands of instant noodles that I could find. Since then it’s become my go-to “real food” to make at home when I grow tired of Soylent for a wpell.

Today I’m going to talk about one of them.

Paldo - Green tea Chlorella Noodles

Unopened package

This is actually a model I discovered recently. I picked up a case solely because of its green colour. What was up with that?! I must have said, tiredly lugging a cart of ramen the size of a medium child.

Picture of the prepared noodles, in dish

As you can see it’s intended to be eaten in a loth of broth. One of the personally noteworthy things is that I’ve grown to really dislike soup-based noodles and now look for sauce-based ones.

Note: The dumplings are something I throw into all my ramen now, to make it a little more nutritious and filling :D

I was pleasantly surprised this product, though. The soup is not a wall of “strong red flavour”, nor does it taste like some unholy union of stock cube and oil. There has been some kind of balancing of the soup/veggie flavours, giving it that heart soup taste (light like a miso, but I have no idea what’s actually in here so use that more as a stereotype) that doesn’t overpower anything.

Closeup on the noodles, on a slice of red chili I think.

What makes it interesting, I think, is that whatever makes the noodles green givves them a taste that isn’t your usual starch/carb flavour, and that these noodles wind up being rather succlent is a nice bonus. This is a “power + dried veggies” kind of noodle, and what I was pleasantly surprised to find were little rings of what must be red chilis. This gives the soup a little “kick” that makes it very much a thing I want on a winter’s day. There are also what must be dried mushrooms, also good for that wintery feel.

Ingredient list

As you can see, it’s not vegetarian. Also note that the factory processes tree nuts, peanuts, and a few other things.

Contaminant warning